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Residency Information

& Press Kits





You Look Marvelous


Creative Team

Original Script/Music/Lyrics: CG Miller 
Music Sequencing: Christian Erickson
Vocal Recording: Lindsey Giese, Holly Jacobs, Jared Q. Miller
Costumes Reimagined: Jack Bledsoe
Set Design: Dave Horan
Graphic Design: Kari Powell
Original Director: Dan Workman
Original Choreographer: Deb Workman

Original Costume Design: Shandi Walnofer 

"You Look Marvelous" presents a witty take on Hans Christian Andersen's story, "The Emperor's New Clothes," highlighting the dangers of vanity and greed. In this adaptation, the emperor, obsessed with new garments, falls prey to fraudulent weavers who claim to create invisible clothing that only the competent can perceive. As the emperor parades in his 'new attire,' the townspeople remain silent, afraid of being mocked for their inability to see it. It is only when the youth speaks out, shattering the illusion, that the truth emerges. This production invites audiences to look beyond mere appearances and to embrace authenticity by seeing with the heart, not just the mind.

Show length: approximately 40 minutes 

Residency Information


Add your event information to the publicity poster; make copies; distribute in various places such as schools, grocery stores, libraries, etc.  





Participation Certificates

If you want to show the kids your appreciation for participating in the event, this Certificate is perfect! Personalize with participants names and print them out or use the PDF file and write the names in.  Many presenters give them out at the time of performance, pep rallies or award ceremonies.







For use in newspapers or other printed materials

YLM Performance Flyer png.png
YLM Audition Flyer png.png
YLM (Certificate) png.png
DP Color long trans.png
DP Color Trans.png
Creative Team
Info/Press Kit
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