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BHP JR. Camp
5th - 8th Grades: July 6-12, 2025
8th - 12th Grades: July 13-19, 2025
*8th graders can come to either!

Frequently Asked Questions

Accessibility of Camp

Is Placerville handicapped accessible?

Yes!  Please let us help you with any accommodations you might need by email to

Audition Preparation

Does my camper need to prepare for the audition? Will they be cast if they don't?

  • EVERY camper will be involved in the production. 

    • The campers will then be responsible for their portion of the performance, i.e. learning the lines, songs, and dances for the production, OR completing assigned technical aspects.

  • Campers will take part in an Audition/Improv Workshop after check-in. 

  • Campers will audition for the roles after dinner on the first night of camp. 

  • No audition materials will be sent out ahead of time.

  • NO PARTS are precast.

The campers will then be responsible for learning the lines, songs and dances for the production to be performed at the end of the week. ​

Gender Inclusion

Why include a section about gender inclusion?

Our primary motivation at BHP Jr. is to provide an excellent summer camp experience for all kids, and especially those who may not feel welcome at other camps. We’ve always welcomed anyone who wants to join us but recognize we may be alienating some campers by reinforcing social norms related to the binary idea of genders--that all people are either males or females. Among biologists, social anthropologists, and sociologists, there is a growing consensus that gender identity exists along a spectrum and, sometimes, individuals may change. Alienation of trans youth and other non-binary campers can be overt, like bullying (for which we have zero tolerance), but it can also be unintentional in common situations like cabin assignments, pronoun use, bathroom designations, and campers groupings of boys and girls for activities. We at BHP Jr. feel it is important for us to address this issue and set an example making sure that all campers feel welcome, respected, and safe at our camp and within our community.


What about bathrooms?

Well, this is the easiest one. All single occupant bathrooms at the camp facility will be designated as Gender-Neutral and available for use by any person, regardless of gender. All conventional social norms about respect, modesty, and civility apply.


Will boys and girls sleep in the same cabin?

Most won’t, but for the small number who opt into a gender-inclusive cabin, yes. When a camper is registered, parents will have the option to choose a cabin that corresponds to their camper’s gender or a gender-inclusive cabin. Those campers who choose the gender-inclusive option will be assigned to a cabin housing others who made the same choice, regardless of gender identity.  All cabins at BHP Jr. have assigned staff who are present to supervise and organize their activities 24 hours a day.


If my camper identifies as gay, but otherwise considers themselves cis-gender, should they be in the gender-inclusive cabin?

Campers who identify as gay should feel right at home registering for the cabin that corresponds with their gender identity. Cabin assignments are not about validating anyone’s sexual preference, but about creating a safe and comfortable place to call home for a week. We assume gay campers have been participating in camp and have been assigned to the same gender cabins for years whether or not they have identified themselves and this policy isn’t intended to change that.


Will campers change in front of each other?

What you may not know is that most kids are pretty modest and have been changing in private or under their covers already at camp for years.  We don’t expect this to present problems at camp and we’ll rely on the respect, modesty, and civility of campers and examples set by staff to rule the day.


What will the gender of the staff in the gender-inclusive cabin be?

We will make every effort possible to staff the gender-inclusive cabin with representatives that reflect the demographics of the cabin. However, logistics will dictate what is possible. Our existing policies about camper supervision and adult ratios will still be in place which strictly prohibit one-on-one monitoring of any camper in private and in bathrooms and encourages all campers to travel in groups of three or more campers.


I know my cis-gender camper would have no problem being in the gender-inclusive cabin, and I don't have a problem with it. Should I register them for that cabin?

We’d prefer you let us know about your willingness to have your cis-gender camper assigned to the gender-inclusive cabin in the “Comments” field and let us know if it is your strong preference or whether you just don’t mind. We want to reserve the gender-inclusive spots for campers who need it but will consider your strong preference if there are spots available.  If we need to reassign cis-gender campers to the gender-inclusive cabin for logistical reasons, it will be nice to know your willingness and we will reach out to you directly with questions.


What does this new word "cis-gender" mean?

The Latin prefix “cis” means, “near,” or, “on the same side of. “ It is used as the opposite of “trans” which means, “moved,” “crossed over,” or “across from.” “Cis-gender” means that one’s gender identity, how they think of themselves and how they prefer others to think of them, matches their body.


What about pronouns?

Camp staff will respect the pronouns the campers choose for themselves. Our staff will do their best to use them and model to the other campers what it looks like to treat people with respect. Campers and staff who intentionally use the wrong pronouns to antagonize others will be considered bullies. Bullying of any kind is not tolerated and will be addressed by camp leadership.


Will campers in the gender-inclusive cabin miss any part of the camp program?

No. There are certain activities that campers participate in by cabin and other activities where campers are regrouped, but there will be no activity where any camper will be excluded or receive anything less than the full experience because of their cabin assignment or gender identity. The amount of time that campers spend in their cabin that isn’t devoted to rest or getting ready is about one hour a day. At all times, campers in the gender-inclusive cabin will fully participate in the BHP Jr. program.


Do you expect to lose registrations because some parents are not comfortable with gender inclusion?

Perhaps, but we feel it’s an important topic to address. People with concerns about this should know that for all campers assigned to their traditionally gendered cabins, this will affect them almost not at all. Being more inclusive and conscientious will make us a stronger and more compassionate community and we have faith that people will respond to our inclusiveness. Call us naive, but we think that because more people are welcome at BHP Jr., more campers will register.


What about... everything else?

BHP Jr. already has well-tested practices that deal with all sorts of behaviors and contingencies that might arise at a summer camp for children and teenagers. We address things like bullying, inappropriate behaviors, camp romances, social awkwardness, special needs, and anything else you can imagine might happen at summer camp as a matter of policy and practice and don’t expect that being inclusive of non-binary campers will affect any of our best practices.


Isn't this a lot of work to accommodate a very small number of campers?

Nope. (And each camper is worth it!)

If you have more questions about gender inclusion, please send them to Deb Workman, Director of Education at

Meals & Dietary Concerns

My camper has dietary restrictions, what is camp food like?

Camp food is awesome!...and simple kid-friendly fare.  Most meals are served in the dining hall, generally buffet-style.  If you have special dietary concerns, our staff works with you prior to camp to help plan for your stay.  We will do our best to accommodate all campers’ food needs, but may be unable to meet all requests and may ask that campers provide some supplemental items.  Placerville has a full-service kitchen.  

What if my question wasn't addressed on this page?

If you have more questions, please send them to

Gender Inclusion
Accessibility of Camp
Audition Preparation
Meals & Dietary Concerns

Our Partners


Wednesday through Saturday

7:30 pm mst

Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday

2:00 pm matinee

BOX OFFICE 605 255-4141 see hours on show page


Mondays DARK

Custer State Park Pass Required

Purchase online here!

Physical Address*

Theatre in Custer State Park

24834 S. Playhouse Road,

Custer, SD 57730



PO Box 2513,

Rapid City, SD  57709

Physical Address Rapid City Office:


2201 3rd St.

Rapid City, SD  57701

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809 N. Elmwood Ave. 

Sioux Falls, SD  57104

The Black Hills Playhouse is a division of the University of South Dakota College of Fine Arts.

@ Black Hills Playhouse.  All Rights Reserved.                               Privacy Policy

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